Full name:                   Cao Quoc Nam           (Male)

Year of birth:              1973

Degree:                        Doctor

Nationality:                 Vietnamese



Institution:                  College of Rural Development, Can Tho University

Position:                      Lecturer, Vice Dean

Office address:           554 High Way 61, Hoa Duc Hamlet, Hoa An village, Phung Hiep district, Hau Giang province

                              Tel.: (84) 293 3869 531, Mobil phone: 0906 491 284

                                    Fax: (0293) 398 2857


Home address:            171A Rach Ong Kinh, Long Tuyen ward, Binh Thuy district, Can Tho city           


1992-1996                   BS. in Aquaculture, Can Tho University, Vietnam

2000-2002                   MSc., Science in Aquaculture, Gent University, Belgium

2007-2011                   Doctor of Sciences in Biology (PhD), Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium


LANGUAGE:            English: speaking, reading, writing and listening




  • Participating in Rice-Fish project, funded by VLIR-Belgium (1996-2000), the Ministry of Education and Training-Vietnam (2001-2002; 2004-2005; 2008-2009; 2014-2015), and An Giang province (2017 up to date), I studied on :
  • Evaluation of rotational rice-fish farming systems and new fish species for concurrent rice-fish culture in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam;
  • Water quality (dynamics of water physio-chemical, plankton parameters) and feeding ecology of fish in relation to fish production in rice - fish culture;
  • Predation potential of fish on brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens (Stål)) in rice-fish system;
  • Technological interventions to improve fish production and profitability of integrated rice-fish farming systems as well as apply Vietnamese good agriculture/aquaculture practice (VietGAP) in the integrated rice-fish farming systems;
  • Development fish market in rotational rice-fish systems in the Mekong Delta,
  • Participating in Improving Integrated Crop-Animal Systems in Rainfed Areas research, funded by IRRI and ILRI (2003-2004), I studied on feasibility to integrate aquaculture component into existing crop and animal production in rainfed areas in the South of Vietnam.
  • Participating in the project on Simulation of Farmers Motivation in Vietnam and Exploration of Adoption Pattern in sub-Saharan Africa, funded by EU (2004), I investigated factors motivating farmers in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam to apply integrated aquaculture in their existing production systems.
  • Participating in Improved Resource Use Efficiency in Pond-Dike Farming Systems in Asia, funded by EU (2002-2005), I have studied on water and nutrient balances in integrated aquaculture ponds.


  • Freshwater Fish Culture
  • Farming Systems
  • Statistic in Rural Development
  • Statistic in Extension
  • Experimental design and scientific writing in Aquaculture
  • Supervision for undergraduate and graduate students in Aquaculture, Agronomy and Rural Development.



Peer-reviewed articles

In English

Nam, C.Q., Be, T.T., Vromant, N. & Ollevier, F., 2012. Investigation of the predation potential of different fish species on brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens (Stål)) in experimental rice-fish aquariums and tanks. Crop Protection 38: 95-102.

Nam, C.Q., Duong, L.T., Vromant, N. & Ollevier, F., 2012. Factors affecting fish yield and profit in fish pen culture in flooded ricefields. Aquaculture International 20 (5): 827-845.

Rothuis, A.J., Nam, C.Q., Richter, C.J.J., & Ollevier, F., 1998. Polyculture of silver barb, Puntius gonionotus (Bleeker), Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (L.) and common carp, Cyprinus carpio L., in Vietnamese ricefields: fish production parameters. Aquaculture Research 29: 661-668.

Vromant, N., Nam, C.Q. & Ollevier, F. 2001. Growth performance of Trichogaster pectoralis Regan in intensively cultivated rice fields. Aquaculture Research 32: 913-921.

Vromant, N., Nam, C.Q. & Ollevier, F., 2002. Growth performance and use of natural food by Oreochromis niloticus (L.) in polyculture systems with Barbodes gonionotus (Bleeker) and Cyprinus carpio (L.) in intensively cultivated rice fields. Aquaculture research 33: 969-978.

Vromant, N., Nam, C.Q. & Ollevier, F., 2002. Growth performance of Barbodes gonionotus (Bleeker) in intensively cultivated rice fields. Aquaculture 212: 167-178.

Vromant, N., Nam, C.Q., Chau, N. T. & Ollevier, F., 2004. Survival rate and growth performance of Cyprinus carpio L. in intensively cultivated rice fields. Aquaculture Research 35: 171-177.


In Vietnamese

Cao Quoc Nam, Nguyen Van Nhieu Em, Le Dang Khoa & Pham Thi To Anh, 2016. Evaluation of technical and financial efficiency of fish culture in rice field in the Mekong Delta. Scientific Journal of Cantho University 47b: 24-37.

Le Thanh Duong, Nguyen Van Nhat, Nguyen Thanh Binh, Huynh Cam Linh, Cao Quoc Nam & Dang Kieu Nhan, 2004. Effects of trench fertilisation, supplemental feed and rice culture factors on fish production in intensive rice field. Scientific Journal of Cantho University 1: 115-122.

Pham Hai Buu, Vo Thanh Dung, Cao Quoc Nam, 2010. The solutions for improving household livelihoods on Ca Mau coastal mangrove forests. Scientific Journal of Cantho University, 16a: 265-275.

Nguyen Ngoc Son, Nguyen Thanh Duong, Cao Quoc Nam, 2010. Assessment of the scoci-economic aspects of fishpond farming on the rice field base in the flooding period. Scientific Journal of Cantho University, 16a: 245-254.

Book chapter and conference

In English

Nam, C.Q., Nhan, D.K., Son, N.N. & Vromant, N., 2009. Rotational rice and fish farming as alternative to rice mono-culture system in the Mekong delta, Vietnam: Economic and environmental considerations. Poster presented at Asian Pacific Aquaculture 2009, 3rd - 6th November, 2009 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Bosma, R.H., Nam, C.Q., Udo, H., M.J. & Verreth, J.A.J. 2007. Assessing farmers' motives for livelihood diversification in the Mekong Delta: Household life cycle, Virtual farm size, and index of integration. In: van der Zijpp, A.J., Verreth, J.A.J., Tri, L.Q., van  Mensvoort, M..E.F., Bosma, R.H. and Beveridge, M.C.M. (Eds), Fish pond in farming systems. Wageningen Academic Publishers, ISBN: 978-90-8686-013-5, pp. 261-269.

Nhan, D.K., Nam, C.Q., Duong, L.T., Verdegem, M.J.C., Bosma, R.H., Stoorvogel, J., 2005. Effects of pig manure on pond fish yields and nutrient accumulation in integrated aquaculture-agriculture in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. Paper presented at WAS 2005, May 9-13, 2005, Bali, Indonesia (Abstract).


In Vietnamese

Nam, C.Q., Nam, M.V, Khoi, L.N.D, Trinh, B.V, Huy, H.T., Em, N.V.N, Tu, V.H & Nam, T.N.H., 2017. Development fish market in rotational rice-fish systems in the Mekong Delta, Viet Nam. Final project report submitted to the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam, code number: B2013-16-24.

Duong, LT., Nam, C.Q., Nhat, N.V.,  Son, N.N., Nhan, D.K. & Linh, H.C., 2010. Summarize and Experiment on rotational rice-fish farming systems in Can Tho city. Final project report submitted to the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam, code number: B2007-16-76.

Nam, C.Q., Nhat, N.V. & Vromant, N., 2009. Investigation of the polyculture of snakehead (Channa stirata) in rice-fish systems. A final report submitted to Cantho University, code number: T2008-14.

Nam, C.Q., Nhat, N.V.,  Binh, N.T., Linh HC., Vinh, TDXV & Nhan, D.K., 2006. Technological and economical  feasibility of snakeskin gouramy (Trichogaster pectoralis Regan) and grass production in integrated rice-fish-livestok farming systems in the semi-deep of the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. Final project report submitted to the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam, code number: B2005-31-86.

Nam, CQ., Nhat, N.V., Linh, HC., Binh, NT., & Vinh, TDX., 2005. Determine the appropriate periods to allow fish fry to enter into the intergrated rice-fish seed systems. A final report submitted to Cantho University, code number: T2005-23.

Nam, CQ., Nhat, N.V.& Thanh, D.N., 2004. Technological and economical feasibility of fish seed production integrated with rice culture. A final report submitted to Cantho University, code number: T2004-01.

Nam, C.Q., Binh, N.T., Nhan, D.K., Duong, L.T., Nhat, N.V.& Linh, H.C., 2004. Effect of fertiliser and supplementary feed on aquatic environment and fish production in intensively cultivated rice fields. In: Semi-intensive fish culture in freshwater rice-fish systems in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. Final project report submitted to the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam, code number: B2001-31-13, 35-49 pp.

Binh, N.T., Nhan, D.K., Nam, C.Q., Nam, C.Q., Duong, L.T., Dung, D.T., Nhat, N.V. & Linh, H.C., 2004. Effect of fish combinations and stocking densities on fish growth and utilization of natural food in the intensively cultivated rice fields. In: Semi-intensive fish culture in freshwater rice-fish systems in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam, 15-34 pp. Final project report submitted to the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam, code number: B2001-31-13.

Nam, C.Q., 1999. Increasing fish production in rice-fish farming systems by supplementary food addition and integrated pig culture. Presented at scientific workshop of Mekong Delta Farming Systems Research & Development Institute, Can Tho University, Vietnam, 29-30th September 1999.

Nam, C.Q., 1999. Effect of water levels in rice field on fish production. Presented at rice-fish concluding workshop, Mekong Delta Farming Systems Research & Development Institute, Can Tho University, Vietnam, 22-23rd September 1999

Nam, C.Q., 1997. Feeding ecology of fish in relation to fish production in rice fish culture. In: Proceedings of Mekong Delta Rice-Fish Farming Systems Workshop, 25-27th September 1997 in Can Tho University, Vietnam, 144-153 pp.


  • Integrated farming system: Crop - Animal - Aquaculture
  • Agricultural system.

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