Topic: “Shaping the Future of Sustainable ASEAN”


Contestants must be citizens of ASEAN Member States aged between 15-25

 Language: English


1. First Round:

  • In the submitted video, applicant must memorize the script, as reading notes is not allowed.
  • No animation or graphic presentation is allowed in the speech video
  • Make sure to record the video in a quiet space to avoid and background noise. Application video with inaudible sound will not be asked to resubmit a new file, and his or her application will automatically be disqualified
  • Past winners are not eligible to apply

2.Final Round:

  • Only shortlisted finalists are eligible for the Final Round 
  • Finalists can use parts of the original content, submitted in the First Round
  • Finalists must be able to present a 5-min speech to the panel of judges on onsite at C asean CW Tower, Bangkok, on 7 August 2024.
  • Finalists are invited to participate in the celebration of the 57th ASEAN Day at C asean on 8 August 2024
  • Actual economy round-trip airfare, or not over USD 400, and 2-night accommodation in Bangkok on August 7 and 8 will be covered by the organizer for finalists who do not reside in Bangkok
  • Shortlisted finalists who are not able to participate on 7 – 8 August 2024 in Bangkok will not be eligible for the Final Round


Winner               Certificate and cash prize of USD 500

1st Runner-up   Certificate and cash prize of USD 300

2nd Runner-up Certificate and cash prize of USD 200

Finalists              Certificate

 Key Dates:
26 July 2024:      Submission of 3-min speech video

31 July 2024:     Announcement of finalists on C asean Facebook fanpage

7 August 2024: Final round onsite at C asean, CW Tower, Bangkok, Thailand

8 August 2024:  Showcase by winner in the celebration of the 57th ASEAN Day at C asean

Apply for the First Round now until 26 July 2024 >>>
Any inquiries please contact: 

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Khoa Phát triển Nông thôn - Trường Đại học Cần Thơ
Địa chỉ: Khu Hòa An - ĐHCT, số 554, quốc lộ 61, ấp Hòa Đức, xã Hòa An, huyện Phụng Hiệp, tỉnh Hậu Giang
Số điện thoại:(+84) 0293 351 1111                Email: